Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Why Do Photographers Charge So Much?

This is an interesting article from my coworker. The author explains why photographers charge hefty fees for photo shoots. He makes key notes about common expenses photographers incur, fees that most people wouldn’t consider. I highly suggest this article it’s very informative and to the point. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ted Talk Barry Schwarts

          I replayed this video several times to understand the point he was trying to convey. The speaker Barry Schwarts explains that “You can’t get good help anymore when you give people work to do that is demeaning and soulless.” I formerly worked as a warehouse associate in a wholesale bicycle distributing company and could relate to this theory. I worked for a paycheck and no other reason. Work becomes a constant struggle to stay engaged and remain positive. In the speakers closing statements he enlightens the audience and gives them a sense of purpose, asking them "Just what kind of human nature do you want to help design". This phrase really struck home; we should all strive to create organizations that are challenging, engaging and meaningful.